近所の店が私に 100 ドルまで掛け売りを認めてくれたの英語
- My neighborhood store gave me credit up to $100.
夫が私のことを認めてくれないのよ。: My husband doesn't appreciate me.
掛け売りをする 1: allow credit (to)〔~に〕 掛け売りをする 2 give someone credit〔人に〕
掛け売りをやめる: cut off credit
掛け売りを断る: refuse credit to〔~に〕
近所の店: 1. nearby store [shop] 2. neighborhood shop 3. neighborhood store 4. stores nearby
掛け売り: 掛け売り かけうり selling on credit
掛け売り 1: 1. credit 2. credit buying 3. credit sale 4. sale for account 5. sale on account 6. sale on credit 7. sale on open account 8. sales on credit 9. sold on credit 10. tick〈英〉 掛け売り 2 trust《商業》
掛け売り客: 1. charge customer 2. credit customer
ボブが私に花を送ってくれた: Bob sent me some flowers.
見て、ママが私に作ってくれたの。: Look what Mom made me.
掛け売り代金: 掛け売り代金 かけうりだいきん credit account
掛け売り値段: credit price
掛け売り勘定: 1. charge account 2. charge accounts
掛け売り条件: credit term〔通例複数形の terms で〕
おじが私にジャズの手ほどきをしてくれた。: My uncle introduced me to jazz.